One of the most popular smart-drugs is kratom. The leaves of the tropical tree contain psychotropic active ingredients that have been used for centuries by farmers and residents of the growing regions.

The desired effect and benefit of kratom depend not only on the kratom variety but also on the dose. The effects sometimes vary greatly between a low and a high kratom dosage.

For example, green leaves (e.g. Green Malay) promise energy and motivation at a low kratom dose, but a larger amount can lead to a euphoric mood or make you very relaxed and sleepy.

How to dose kratom correctly (information especially for beginners), which kratom variety is a good choice and what else you have to consider when taking kratom, we answer in this blog.


What is a correct kratom dosage?

As is often the case with nootropics, there is no one perfect kratom dose for everyone. The appropriate Kratom dosage depends on the following factors:

> Person: height, weight and individual condition of the user.

> Tolerance: frequency and duration of kratom use.

> Goal: which effect do you wish to achieve?


In addition, one can roughly distinguish between three main effects of kratom dosages:

> a low dose of kratom (approx. 1 - 3 g) stimulating, energising effect

> medium dose of kratom (approx. 2 - 4 g) relaxing, anxiety-relieving effect

> high dose of kratom (approx. 4 - 6 g) extra-calming, pain-relieving effect


From a kratom dose of 5 g, a sedative effect is to be expected, which is usually only used by patients trying to cope with pain. The maximum dose is 7 g, which should only be taken under medical supervision.


The effects of kratom strains also vary. In general:

> White kratom: better focus & more motivation, activating.

> Red kratom: for relaxation & stress reduction, sedating.

> Green kratom: mood-lifting, euphoria & more energy, balancing

and etc.

However, the following information can only be given in general terms. Since kratom is a natural product, the content of alkaloids in the leaves and in the kratom powder varies. But one can assume that the dose of potent kratom strains (e.g. Maeng da Green or Kratom Red Vein) should be rather lower than that of "lighter" kratoms (e.g. Green Malay or White Sumatra).

The kratom effect should kick in within 30 to 45 minutes and last up to 4 to 6 hours.

As with many nootropics, the following applies to kratom products in particular: it is not recommended for pregnant women, children and people with pre-existing conditions. Always consult with a doctor.


Recommended Raw Powders kratom dosages by purpose (general guidelines)

A typical kratom dose varies between 1 g and 5 g, but for first-time users, we recommend the following low doses to start with. However, for some kratom purposes (especially for sleeping and as a painkiller), higher dosages may be necessary. For more information on the benefits and specific effects of kratom, check our blog: Kratom effect.


Purpose: Positive mood, concentration, stimulating:

> Kratom Green Malay approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily

> Kratom Super Yellow approx. 1000 mg (1/2 scoop) 1-2x daily


Purpose: Positive mood, more stamina, relaxation:

> Kratom White Sumatra approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily

> Kratom Maeng da Green approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily


Purpose: relaxation, sleep, stress/anxiety and pain:

> Kratom Red Vein approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily

> Kratom Borneo Red: approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily


Purpose: relaxation, better mood, pain

> Kratom Maeng da Red: approx. 1000 mg (1/2 measuring spoon) 1-2x daily


If you are unsure which kratom dosage and variety is the right one, you can find some dosage calculators online.


Tips for taking kratom powder

Especially first-time users of kratom should follow some important advice when using kratom. After all, it is comparable to opiates and is therefore not harmless in terms of tolerance build-up, addictions and side effects.


8 tips for kratom beginners:


Choose a good time for kratom

Kratom should be taken on an empty stomach. Otherwise, the active ingredients may be absorbed poorly or delayed, or the effect may not be felt intensively. In addition (especially with higher doses, which can also make you extremely sleepy), it is advisable to choose a day off without any obligations. Some users also report a feeling of a "hangover" the next day. It is something to consider.


Take kratom in good company

Since kratom can sometimes have strong psychotropic effects, it makes sense to invite a friend when trying kratom powder for the first time. On the one hand, to share the kratom experience and, on the other hand, to feel safer when using it for the first time.


The purpose determines the kratom dosage

First of all, you should know what effect you want to achieve. If you want some extra energy, power and motivation, take a lower kratom dose. For relaxation or sleep it should be higher. It is also important to choose the Kratom varieties according to their effect.

More about it in the blog: Kratom Benefits and advantages.


Start with small kratom doses

As with all nootropics, everyone reacts differently. Therefore, you should start with a very small dose of kratom and wait. It will give you a better feel for the individual kratom effect and reduce the risk of kratom side effects.


Measure kratom powder accurately

Individual kratom dosages can be in the milligram range. A simple kitchen scale is usually not enough for this; it should be able to weigh precisely a tenth of a gram. A powder scale would be ideal, as it indicates the amount in grams to 3 decimal places. It is the only way to balance the kratom powder perfectly.


If you do not have a powder scale available, you could use the following values as a guide:

- 1 teaspoon for about 1.8 - 2.2 grams of kratom powder.

- 1 tablespoon for about 6.0 - 6.5 grams of kratom powder.


Be careful when post-dosing kratom

Experienced users tend to add a small dose of kratom (up to 1 g) after about 45 minutes if the desired effect has not yet occurred. However, this should only be a very small amount. Under no circumstances should you continue to dose more or more after the primar dose. The danger of an overdose of kratom and the corresponding side effects (nausea, malaise, etc.) is very high.


Avoid overdosing or tolerance build-up

Especially at the beginning of kratom use, it is better to take only small amounts of kratom powder and first try different types of kratom within a few days between each. 1-2 times a day with a 3-4 day break are absolutely sufficient, also to reduce the risk of tolerance or dependence. Undesirable side effects are also possible. So be sure to check out our blog on Kratom side effects!


Write a field report

Especially if you want to try different strains, you should keep a kratom diary. In this way, you can keep track of which variety at which dosage has produced the desired effect or has not achieved it.


How do you take kratom powder?

As a dietary supplement, kratom is primarily available as a powder. There are many different strains to choose from online to buy kratom. It can be consumed pure, but it is very popular to mix kratom powder in teas or meals. For beginners, it would be advisable to mix the kratom dose as a powder in the tea instead of taking the whole dosage at once. So it works a little slower, and you can also dose sip by sip and perceive the effect and reaction of the body more precisely.





Text author:

Kay Svegler

Communications, PR, American Studies, University of Leipzig

Journalist and freelance writer (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, BILD, MDR etc.)

Former Senior PR Manager for Fischer Appelt, Sustainability and Diversity Manager for DKB