Reports on the effects of chlorella as a dietary supplement range from the strengthening of the immune system to the use of the algae for the thyroid gland or the positive chlorella effect on the skin and psyche. The reason for this is mainly their wealth of vital nutrients. These include:
- vitamins
- minerals and fiber,
- beta-carotene,
- amino acids,
- essential fatty acids, etc.
The main applications of Chlorella are:
- Use in case of nutrient deficiency
- As a food supplement (especially for vitamins and minerals)
- Strengthening of the immune system and natural defenses
- Use against bad breath
- Use for liver problems
- Chlorella use for weight loss
- Chlorella for detox treatments and detoxification
- Support of the cardiovascular system
- Use for inflammation and skin problems
- among others.
However, depending on the area of use and the individual constitution of the user, chlorella side effects are also possible. The manufacturer's information on chlorella dosage and other instructions must therefore always be observed.
We answer other frequently asked questions about the effects of chlorella here:
What do you have to consider when using chlorella medicinally?
The dietary supplement chlorella is mainly used as a preventive measure to keep the organism healthy and fit or to prevent certain deficiency symptoms. If a disease is to be treated with chlorella, this must be discussed medically in advance. In these cases, the respective chlorella dosage should also be determined by the medical specialist.
What effect does Chlorella have on the immune system?
A balanced diet is the basis for good immune system. In addition, a healthy lifestyle and a balance between exertion and rest are among the most important health aspects for our body. Too often, however, we fail to do this: stress at work or with the family, no time for fresh cooking, hectic from morning to night.
Buying and eating superfoods can provide some relief, although fresh foods - fruits, vegetables, fish - should, of course, always be the first choice, but often there is simply no time to prepare them.
The special thing about algae (like chlorella or even spirulina) is their high content of important nutrients: Calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, but also high-quality proteins and saturated as well as mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids algae have to offer.
These nutrients are not only important for our immune system but also the positive effect of chlorella on the psyche or skin problems is based on these ingredients.
What are the benefits of chlorella algae for the cardiovascular system?
The essential fatty acids contained in chlorella protect and cleanse the vessels, among other things - calcification, high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels as well as arteriosclerosis should be prevented. Vitamin B12 is also important to prevent cardiovascular problems, and it also provides energy.
Effect of chlorella for skin and intestines: help for self-healing?
The benefit of chlorella for detoxification of the body is particularly well known.
The high content of chlorophyll in chlorella is the active ingredient responsible for this. This has an antioxidant effect, protects cells from damage and supports the body's natural cleansing mechanisms, including by stimulating intestinal activity. Unpleasant body odor and bad breath are said to be reduced with the help of the alga. In addition, chlorella can help bind toxins and pollutants such as heavy metals or pesticides in the organism, neutralize them and eliminate them through the skin and intestines - the metabolism also gets going. Detoxification and cleansing are one of the most important applications of chlorella.
In addition, the vitamins A and E and zinc contained in chlorella have an important effect on skin, hair and nails. Vitamin E protects the cell membrane, vitamin A is needed for the formation of blood cells and supports the formation of skin cells. Taking chlorella is said to improve the appearance of the skin: especially in the case of dry skin or inflammations, such as acne or neurodermatitis, masks and ointments with the microalga, which are applied directly externally, are considered a true miracle cure. But also the regular intake of chlorella capsules can give skin and hair noticeably more vitality and strength.
What effect does Chlorella have on the thyroid gland?
The thyroid gland is responsible for central body functions. The hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are formed here, which not only significantly influence mental and physical development, but also our performance, metabolism and especially our mental state.
An important building block for healthy thyroid function is the trace element iodine. For a healthy adult, the recommended daily amount is about 200 micrograms; 100g of chlorella algae contain about 70 micrograms of iodine.
For comparison: salmon contains about 34 micrograms of iodine per 100g, cod offers 155 micrograms of iodine, iodized table salt about 2000 micrograms of iodine.
An undersupply or oversupply of iodine can result in serious health risks and thyroid diseases. Hypothyroidism is often characterized by depressed mood, severe fatigue, decreased sexual interest, and severe freezing. Hyperthyroidism is usually manifested by weight loss, hyperactivity, or aggressive behavior in those affected.
Diseases of the thyroid gland are treated in conventional medicine with drugs (e.g. hormone therapy) or surgery, among other methods. Naturopathy often resorts to the effect of chlorella in thyroid diseases.
However, the optimal care and treatment of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is very complex. The effect of chlorella for the thyroid gland can be helpful, but must be discussed with specialists in each case. For the treatment of hypothyroidism, the iodine content of the algae is probably too low, but could still be useful as a natural food supplement. Consultation with treating physicians is always advisable for thyroid disorders and chlorella.
Does chlorella have an effect on the psyche?
Immune system, thyroid, skin appearance, nutrients - a healthy, fit body is the basis for our mental health. A fresh and vitamin-rich diet, exercise, fresh air and mental relaxation are also the prerequisites for good mental health.
And the nutrients we consume influence the functioning of the entire organism: metabolism and muscles need protein -- a deficiency supply can lead to reduced performance and concentration problems. A deficiency of vitamin B12 is typical for listlessness, exhaustion and memory problems, even depression is possible.
The positive effect of chlorella on the psyche is therefore based, among other things, on the many important vitamins and mineral substances that the algae contain, but also a detox treatment with chlorella can be a central building block for physical and mental health.
Especially vegetarian and vegan diets are often deficient in protein, vitamin B12 and iron. Algae, such as chlorella and spirulina, are a plant-based alternative for deficiencies and are often taken as a supplement.
Chlorella: Experiences with the miracle algae
Experiences with chlorella as a dietary supplement:
Superfoods - whether fresh or as a dietary supplement - are very helpful for this. Experiences with chlorella or spirulina show that they can contribute to a balanced vegan or vegetarian diet and should be part of the menu several times a week due to the many vital substances and nutrients. Seaweed is not only a good source of iodine, but also provides the body with vitamins (A, B12, C, D, E and K), chlorophyll, calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc, sodium, iron, manganese, copper, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, among others.
Whether a salad of fresh seaweed, chlorella tablets or chlorella powder: the effect as a supplier of nutrients is basically the same. The experience of users with tablets or chlorella powder also confirms that even very small doses are sufficient: 3 to max. 10 g of the alga (or the equivalent in Chlorella tablets) is the most recommended Chlorella dosage.
Chlorella for the skin: recommended by stars
Above all, however, experiences with chlorella for the skin are currently making headlines. Models and Hollywood stars use the superfood as part of their diet and fitness plan. For top model Miranda Kerr, among others, chlorella powder is an essential ingredient in her morning vegetable smoothie. The effect of chlorella is said to keep the skin elastic, smooth and in balance. And face masks with powder of the alga are said to have a cleansing and refreshing effect.
Experiences with the effect of chlorella on the psyche
For many users, a detox cure with chlorella is a kind of reboot for body and mind. Nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, stress, an unhealthy diet, too little sleep make us all listless and tired.
Detoxing with chlorella is good for the psyche. Especially popular: Detox in January to start the New Year. In addition to cleansing, the algae also provide a good and healthy nutrient base, which is essential for our mental health. But Detox alone is not enough: users and alternative practitioners always make it clear that the entire lifestyle must change: lots of tea and water, exercise in the fresh air, enough rest and sleep and of course: hands off, from the old vices!
Chlorella powder or Chlorella tablets? What are the differences?
A common question is whether the chlorella tablet effect is different from chlorella powder. Generally, this can be answered in the negative, but there is a but:
Important in both products is the quality and purity of the algae. If the algae are extracted from their natural habitat, there is a risk of contamination, which can lead to serious side effects. High-quality nutritional supplements made from algae are therefore now mostly cultivated in aquacultures to avoid contamination by heavy metals or other toxins.
Further processing (drying, crushing, packaging, etc.) must also be carried out under strict specifications.
Chlorella tablets and powder do not differ in their mode of action, but they do in the possible uses and the effort required to dose Chlorella. Chlorella powder can be used in many ways: as an additive in drinks, salads or soups; you can also make masks and cleansing ointments from it yourself. For quick use in everyday life or on the go, however, chlorella tablets or pellets are easier to handle, since no weighing of the amount or other effort is necessary. However, the prices when buying chlorella capsules are usually a little higher than the powder.
In effect, however, they do not differ.
Statista: Vegane Ernährung, 2022
Statista: Konsum von Superfood in Deutschland, 2020
Text author:
Kay Svegler
Communications, PR, American Studies, University of Leipzig
Journalist and freelance writer (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, BILD, MDR etc.)
Former Senior PR Manager for Fischer Appelt, Sustainability and Diversity Manager for DKB