Tongkat Ali is also known as Eurycoma longifolia, a tree native to Southeast Asia. 

Its root has been used for centuries by traditional medical practitioners for its beneficial health effects. Although research is still ongoing, early results confirm several potential benefits of taking Tongkat Ali. 

Tongkat Ali benefits

Several clinical trials confirmed that Tongkat Ali supplementation increases testosterone levels [1] , improves reproductive [2], sexual function [3], reduces anxiety [4], improves muscle strength [5] and athletic performance [6]. If you want to try this supplement, consult a health professional and choose the product from a reputable seller. Tongkat Ali is one of the active ingredients even in modern food supplements. This substance is popular as an aphrodisiac and as a natural way to improve men's health.
For more information on what Tongkat Ali is, see here.

Tongkat Ali testosterone booster

The Role of Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays important roles in the body. In men, it's thought to regulate libido, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, and red blood cell and sperm production [7].

In fact Testosterone is deeply involved in every step of the male sexual response.  It was shown In one Meta analysis that Testosterone treatment significantly improves erectile function and other sexual parameters of hypogonadal (hypogonadism occurs when the sex glands produce little to no sex hormones) men. These results argue that sexual dysfunction should be considered a hallmark manifestation of Testosterone deficiency, since those symptoms can be significantly improved with normalization of serum Testosterone [8]. Conversely, only hypogonadal men are likely to improve sexual symptoms with testosterone treatment.  Therefore, it is imperative that serum testosterone levels are assessed before prescribing testosterone treatment. Other comorbidities should also be assessed and treated if necessary [9]. 

In men of all ages, testosterone plays a key role in maintaining the balance within the multidimensional psychological network of mood, behavior, self-perception and perceived quality of life. For example, low levels of testosterone can be seen in older men and can be associated with depressive symptoms. These can range from dysthymia and fatigue to lethargy, listlessness, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Testosterone also influences various forms of anxiety, from generalized anxiety to phobic anxiety and overt panic [10].

It was also suggested that testosterone increases muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis [11]. For example it was shown in one study that testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men enhanced skeletal muscle mass by stimulating the muscle protein synthesis rate [12]. 

Several studies e.g. this systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature supports the possible use of E. longifolia supplementation for enhancing testosterone production, which may be beneficial for men with stunted testosterone levels [1]. 

Tongkat Ali benefits for male

Improving Sexual Health

As it was mentioned above due to its ability to stimulate testosterone production, Tongkat Ali can positively affect sexual health. Some studies suggest that it can improve erectile function, increase libido and even improve sperm quality. These potential benefits may help men who have problems with sexual performance, such as erectile dysfunction, but Tongkat Ali can also help both men and women in terms of boosting sexual desire. Read more about Tongkat Ali for women's health here.

E.g. in one study men that aged 40-65 years were screened for this 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study. Significant improvements were noted in scores for the Sexual Intercourse Attempt diary, Erection Hardness Scale, Sexual Health Inventory of Men, and Aging Male Symptom scale. Three adverse events were reported in the active group and four in the placebo group, none of which were attributed to study products. Laboratory evaluations, including liver and kidney function testing, showed no clinically significant abnormality [13].

In one more placebo-controlled clinical trial with 109 randomized male subjects demonstrated for a freeze-dried water extract of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia, significant improvements in libido, sexual performance, satisfaction, and physical functioning. E. longifolia has a strong impact on seminal fluid parameters, for example, semen volume and sperm motility. The daily dose of 300 mg of E. longifolia extract for three months is well-tolerated and safe compared to placebo [14].

Also, patients with a mean age of 32.7 years and a history of infertility of 5.3 years were given 100 mg of the extract twice a day, and follow-up semen tests were carried out after 3 months of cycles. Follow-up semen analyses in these patients showed significant improvement in all semen parameters. The proprietary extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack significantly improved the sperm quality in these patients [15]. 

A 200 mg supplement of Eurycoma longifolia and the practice of concurrent training for 6 months significantly improved the erectile function of men with androgen deficiency of aging males (ADAM) [16].

Tongkat Ali for muscle growth

Improving Athletic Performance and Muscle Strength

As it was mentioned above it was suggested that testosterone can increase muscle strength and that is why Tongkat Ali theoretically may be effective for these purposes in case of low testosterone levels and it was supported by several clinical trials. 

E.g. in one study that investigated the effects of resistance training and Tongkat Ali  supplementation on muscular strength and power  in young males concluded that resistance training alone improved relative anaerobic power, whereas combined Eurycoma longifolia Jack and resistance training improved peak power output [17].

In another study 13 physically active male and 12 physically active female seniors (57-72 years) were supplemented with 400-mg Tongkat Ali  extract daily (200 mg taken twice a day) for 5 weeks. Treatment resulted in significant increases in total and free testosterone concentrations and muscular force in men and women. This study affirmed the ergogenic benefit of Tongkat Ali  through enhanced muscle strength [18].

One more study reported a significant intragroup increase in testosterone with 600 mg daily treatment of E. longifolia over 14 days, with no significant change in the placebo group. In this study it was shown that consequently, the raised testosterone following Tongkat Ali supplementations could benefit muscle and strength gain in young adults [2]. 

Another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study 105 male subjects aged 50–70 years with a testosterone level <300 ng/dL were given standardized aqueous Tongkat Ali root extract. As a result cortisol levels significantly decreased, while muscle strength significantly increased at week 12 [19].

Tongkat ali adaptogen

Stress Reduction

Stress is the source of many health problems. As an adaptogen, Tongkat Ali can help the body adapt to stress and reduce its effects. Studies show that Tongkat Ali reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to a range of health problems including weight gain, sleep disturbances and heart disease. By lowering cortisol levels, Tongkat Ali can help reduce stress and improve overall health.

For example, one study assessed stress hormones and mood state in 63 subjects (32 men and 31 women) screened for moderate stress and supplemented with a standardized hot-water extract of TA root (TA) or Placebo (PL) for 4 weeks.

The results of that study indicate that daily supplementation with tongkat ali root extract improves stress hormone profile and certain mood state parameters, suggesting that this "ancient" remedy may be an effective approach to shielding the body from the detrimental effects of "modern" chronic stress, which may include general day-to-day stress, as well as the stress of dieting, sleep deprivation, and exercise training [4]. 


Important to know

While Tongkat Ali may have many benefits, it is important to remember that not much research has been done and some of the benefits are not scientifically proven. Also, in order for a Tongkat Ali supplement to work as intended, it is necessary to follow the correct dosage. . For more on Tongkat Ali dosage and use, read the blog post - Tongkat Ali dosage.

In addition, Tongkat Ali can cause side effects including insomnia, irritability and increased heart rate. Read more about the possible side effects of Tongkat Ali in the blog - Tongkat Ali side effects. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before taking any new dietary supplement.


Medical Disclaimer

The information provided in our articles is solely for educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. Readers should consult their health care professional on any matter related to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

Please be aware that different countries may have specific regulations and that this disclaimer does not replace the need for consultation with a healthcare provider before beginning or changing a treatment or supplement regimen. The information contained in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.



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  2. Kai Quin Chan, Claire Stewart, Neil Chester, Sareena H Hamzah, Ashril Yusof. The effect of Eurycoma Longifolia on the regulation of reproductive hormones in young males. Randomized Controlled Trial: Andrologia. 2021 May;53(4):e14001. doi: 10.1111/and.14001. Epub 2021 Feb 9. PMID: 33559971.
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  13. Jay K Udani, Annie A George, Mufiza Musthapa, Michael N Pakdaman, Azreena Abas.  Effects of a Proprietary Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta) and Polygonum minus on Sexual Performance and Well-Being in Men: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014:2014:179529. doi: 10.1155/2014/179529. Epub 2014 Jan 12. PMID: 24550993 PMCID: PMC3914427.