Cordyceps is a mushroom with a fleshy fruiting body. There are several genera and species, but the Chinese caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps Sinensis) is the most used medicinally. It has been used for centuries in Tibetan and Chinese medicine.
It is so valuable that it can still be used as currency in some areas today. Cordyceps Sinensis has energizing, immune-boosting, and antioxidant properties. Aphrodisiac properties are also attributed to the Chinese caterpillar mushroom. Find more on the Cordyceps benefits on the blog.
Although Cordyceps is still an insider tip in Europe, it is now considered as a superfood. Especially in Superfood Online Stores you can buy Cordyceps capsules or buy Cordyceps powder. But how do you dose Cordyceps correctly? Here are the guidelines for the recommended Cordyceps Sinensis dosage:
General cordyceps powder dosage recommendation
> Adults up to 65 kg
1000-2000 mg per day
> Adults over 65 kg
1800 - 3000 mg per day
General Cordyceps capsules dosage recommendation
> e.g. Cordyceps capsules from RawPowders: 750 mg per unit
2 to 3 capsules per day (at least 4 hours between each intake)
Cordyceps dosages in debilitated individuals, athletes or medical conditions
> Higher doses of up to 8 g per day are possible, however, only after consultation with the physicians.
What do you have to consider when taking Cordyceps?
Individual dosing
The appropriate Cordyceps dose varies from person to person and depends, among other things, on weight, age, constitution and state of health. As with all nootropics, start with small doses and see how your body reacts. You can then slowly increase this up to the maximum recommended daily dosage of Cordyceps.
Two times a week
When and how often to take Cordyceps depends on whether it is used as a preventative measure or to help with an existing deficiency.
Cordyceps is rich in vitamins (B, K, E) and minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. However, because these are simply excreted if the dosage is too high, Cordyceps should not be used on a daily basis at first, but rather about twice a week and only when needed. Of course, doctors or non-medical practitioners can change this recommendation.
Cordyceps capsules or powder?
A common question (with almost all dietary supplements) is whether you should buy cordyceps capsules or cordyceps powder. Both have certain advantages.
Raw Powders Cordyceps powder package, for example, contains 2000 mg of powder. The amount of Cordyceps powder can be adjusted very precisely and, above all, individually. Cordyceps capsules, on the other hand, always contain the same dose and are particularly easy to use, especially on the go.
Beware of allergies
Since Cordyceps is a fungus, Cordyceps is not suitable for people with fungal allergies. Cordyceps is also not recommended for certain pre-existing conditions.
Important information in the blog: Cordyceps side effects.
Cordyceps experiences - booster for the immune system
Cordyceps is primarily taken as a regimen - not as a daily dietary supplement, but rather during times of increased stress or exertion on the body. Often in autumn and winter to support or build up the immune system, before exams, for colds and much more. Naturopaths and users also recommend Cordyceps as an ideal combination with other superfoods and medicinal mushrooms, such as Reishi capsules or Reishi powder.
Most positive experiences with Cordyceps relate to a general increase in well-being and better performance. Some users also use the medicinal mushroom for liver and kidney problems or diabetes. Women also report a significantly increased libido by taking Cordyceps.
More information about the benefits of Cordyceps and all areas of application can be found here.
Kay Svegler
Communications, PR, American Studies, University of Leipzig
Journalist and freelance writer (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, BILD, MDR etc.)
Former Senior PR Manager for Fischer Appelt, Sustainability and Diversity Manager for DKB